The mid adult single mother holds her anxious preschool age daughter in her lap at the parent teacher conference.

Autism Treatment

Every child is unique! At Orion ABA Inc, we ensure that your loved ones have a plan individualized to their strengths and needs. Our autism services include in-home consultation, community and clinic based services. Each of these services is driven by our core purpose for your child to live a happy and fulfilling life. 

Our consultation process allows you to access autism-related resources from home. Our dedicated senior clinicians are ready to listen to your concerns and support your child’s needs.

We offer behavior plan development to improve your child’s challenging behaviors. We make sure that your child learns to react to challenging situations. At the same time, our interventions increase positive behaviors and social skills.

Independent living skills are an important part of autism therapy. The goal of ABA therapy is to empower children to become successful and happy. We offer teaching and support geared to stimulate age-appropriate independent living to address these developmental needs.

A mother in her 30s sits on the floor of a playroom and does a puzzle with her son. He is around five years old and in his pajamas.
School counsellor, pupil and parent discussion

We teach children social skills, toilet training, hygiene, dressing, cleaning, cooking, safety and community navigation– all of these skills are a precursor to living an independent life. Our plans improve age-appropriate leisure and play skills, self-advocacy skills, and peer relationships. 

Start ABA therapy today with Orion ABA Inc, we take a closer look at your child’s environment and offer tailor-made interventions targeted at their strengths. We take pride in having a team of  professionals who work to meet the individual needs of each child they work with.  We’re here to support your children. Call us at +1 630 303 6825 for an in-home consultation!